We’re role models of healthy & productive manhood.


A world where every man is making reality of their full potential.


Igniting a school culture of honour, with manhood programs.

David Eid Reknight Education Boys Role Model
We’re the best crew you’ll join

We Connect With Respect

At ReKnight, we embark on this journey by embracing the principle that prevention is better than cure, particularly in youth mental health. That’s why we specialise in designing and implementing programs tailored for boys aged between 12 and 18 years old. This pivotal stage of adolescence presents a unique opportunity for self-reflection and growth, where young men are poised to shape their identities with guidance and support.

We believe in the power of education to transform lives and foster personal growth. Through our comprehensive programs, we aim to inspire and empower individuals to reach their full potential. Join us at ReKnight and embark on the journey to becoming your best self.

We’ve noticed that

Boys don’t need detention, they need a brotherhood.

We help them build this brotherhood by following our Code of Chivalry:


Conduct oneself with integrity, dignity, and respect in all actions and interactions. Uphold a strong moral code, acting ethically, and treating others with fairness and decency. Honour yourself, including your time and energy, and take accountability.


Value honesty tempered with compassion and empathy. Communicate truthfully and authentically while being mindful of the impact of your words on others. Deliver feedback or share perspectives in a constructive and considerate manner.


Leave a lasting legacy in every situation encountered. Add value, whether through random acts of kindness or simply leaving spaces or relationships improved from one’s presence. Having a “Midas touch” means striving to uplift and inspire the world around you.


Listen intently, maintain eye-contact, empathise and validate in interpersonal interactions. Offer genuine attention, understanding, and emotional support to those sharing their thoughts, feelings, or experiences, honouring the significance of what they hold dear.


Follow through on promises, agreements, and commitments made to oneself and others. Your words carry weight and credibility, and honouring these obligations builds trust, credibility, and respect in relationships and business.

Our Story

November 27, 2019


Throughout university studying Civil Engineering, David experienced first-hand the journey from anxious and overweight, to mentally and physically fit.

Through this journey, he grew a deep passion for self-development and fitness, and decided to apply his experience in Civil Engineering to the world of personal training. David opened up his own gym in 2020.

November 27, 2019
December 8, 2021


ReKnight was born, helping men of all ages take back control of their health, wealth & relationships, and reach their full potential. David offered multiple self-development services such as personal training, life-coaching, and private men’s health events.

December 8, 2021
November 4, 2022


David made the decision to refocus all programs and success into schools, purely in the education industry. As there was a large gap in supporting students preventatively by preparing them for the real world before these issues around suicide, addictions, domestic violence and drug abuse appear.

November 4, 2022
June 14, 2023


David and the Team began working tirelessly on the Masterclass and after 3000 hours of design and development, it is now well-worth the wait. ReKnight is officially accredited by NESA and State Institutions to provide Teacher Accreditation Australia-wide.

This has expanded ReKnight’s impact and scope to the entire education industry; igniting a school culture, facilitating honourable manhood.

June 14, 2023
April 29, 2024


ReKnight is now forecasted to serve 10,000 Boys in impactful Manhood programs in school and 50,000 teachers with online resources & PD accreditation.

ReKnight now houses a rapidly growing team of executives scaling Australia, with the sole vision of Igniting a school culture of honour.

April 29, 2024
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