Your Boys are going to BURST..

Their Knees are bouncing, eyes twitching, agitation deafening. This is usually why: I think the point is made… – We\’re not stating that certain behaviors\’ are acceptable. We\’re also not stating that it\’s anyone\’s fault. – HOWEVER, this is the situation for many. And an empowered educator, finds a way, and there always is. – […]

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Our Trinity of Honour

Our workshops are split into 3 parts (parallel to the hero’s journey): EXIT (Curiosity), CHALLENGE (Lean In), RETURN (Vision Setting). Most activities are tailored to the student needs and school’s bespoke culture, here\’s what goes on: Paired with a new musical/chill atmosphere, curiosity is a proven pattern interrupt to the boys’ typical life in school;

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How We Came To Be

Before pivoting into the purposeful work we are starting in schools (June 2021), Reknighted was a transformational Mind & Body Coaching Company. We specialised in working with young men; guiding them to become more in-shape, resilient & purposeful Men of Honour. This evidence base of 110 >6 Week Clients is the foundation of the powerful

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